Fixed term savings

Make better conditions for your dreams to come true, let the time do its thing.

Put the money into a saving interest earning (variable rate) account for 3 to 36 months and invest in the future, after which you can withdraw the total amount or rollover for a new term.

Why does this type of saving suit me?  

  • Competitive interest rate
  • Client does not need to visit the Bank for a deposit rollover
  • Option to use the interest as rent on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis 
  • Option to use deposit as a loan collateral

What does it mean on a hypothetical example?
Fixed term savings interest rates, for deposits in euros up to €50,000.00

3 months0,02%
6 months0,04%
2 months0,50%
24 months0,60%
36 months+0,70%

Fixed term savings interest rates, for deposits from €50,000.01 to €100,000.00

3 months0,02%
6 months0,05%
12 months0,70%
24 months0,80%
36 months+0,90%

Fixed term savings interest rates, for deposits in US dollars

3 months0.01%
6 months0.02%
12 months0.20%
24 months0.25%

Fixed term savings interest rates, for deposits in other currencies (AUD, CAD, CHF, GBP)

3 months0.01%
6 months0.02%
2 months0.20%
24 months0.25%