Instead of chasing your guarantors, catch your dreams. In only 24 hours we grant loans in amounts of up to € 20,000.
Why XL loan package?
- Up to € 20,000
- No guarantors needed
- You can customize your cash credit amount and other additional liabilities on your accounts and credit cards
- Possibility to charge ½ of Customer's monthly salary
- 8 years repayment term
- Low interest rate of 7% per annum
Representative loan example:
- Loan amount: € 20,000
- Repayment term: 96 months
- Interest rate: 7.00 % per annum
- Monthly instalment (annuity): € 270.54
- One-off loan processing fee of i.e. € 201,19
- Bill of exchange: € 4, CCR inquiry: € 3
- Effective interest rate (EKS): 7.30 % per annum
- Total amount of loan with interest to be repaid: € 25,967,29
Loans exceeding € 20,000 may be granted against additional security instruments including guarantors, co-debtors, mortgage, etc.
What documents are required?
- Loan Application filled out
- Applicant's statement of financial standing
- Copy of loan Applicant's ID card
- Salary attachment of loan Applicant and a bill of exchange signed
What else do I need to know?
- The maximum amount of loan package of € 20,000 consists of cash loan in amount of €15,000 and € 5,000 of additional loan given through overdraft or free of charge limit to purchase with Hipotekarna Bank Premium and Relax credit cards.
- Loans exceeding € 20,000 may be granted against additional security instruments such as: guarantors, co-debtors, mortgage